Business Growth Resources Brought To You by BreslinNET Media & Partners

UPDATED 9/21/2023

  If you have not yet joined our audio training group or somehow missed that opportunity; we suggest you take a look before getting too deep into the resources as many we refer to here are discussed in greater detail in the training @ ABC 123 Group w/Resource Info for Business Startup & Growth & DIY Marketing & Promotion. Over 7 hours of LOW COST content!! Business Setup 101, Facebook- (Business Page Setup,  Group Posting Info, FB Lead Generation Ideas) Google Business Profile Info, Directory Linking, Brand & Rank Strategies-SEO Lite, Contract Opportunity Registration & Research, Website Traffic-(MobileMedia Search/Social Traffic, Category Traffic) Offline Strategies-(d2d/flyers/direct contact, direct mail) MORE...

OTHERWISE Enjoy the Resources

NOTICE: We are changing format of this page to a 2 fold format to offer better experience:

1/ Immediately below this intro; we are creating a Storybook Format to create a timeline outline what resources we would use and how we would advise you to use them...or at least look at them. This format also has little tips built into the content.

 2/ Then below that; you will find List Format by category, less detail, and in no particular order as some individuals find one easier to use than another.

  These resources are some of the best solutions we have found for their respective categories and many we use or have used personally and some we have researched specifically for the purpose of making solid solutions available to our visitors.

  There are links to some resources we own. multiple links to resources we are in network with, and some resources we have partnered with and are compensated for promoting links -- We would suggest in any case you take a look as these represent some of the best and most versatile for any level of entrepreneur.

Know that our FREE resource information is ad sponsored and ads will be present as is common  with free resource pages.


TimeLine Story Format of Resources


Customers qualify as 1 of 3 categories FRESH - REFERRAL - REPEAT . Almost all new businesses are heavy on the 1st and light on customer 2 and 3 which creates and investment in customer acquisition as either time or money or both. BUT the good news is that a wise business owner will early put a system of checks and balances in place as well as policies/procedures called SOP to insure that scale slides the other direction. So lets talk very first about the one of the 3 that leads to the other....Positive Reviews=Referrals=Repeat Customers. It also equals FRESH customers but technically that new customer is attached to a happy existing customer as either a review result or a direct referral in the lead gen family tree. So then what MUST take place to achieve this?? Provide a SUPERIOR SERVICE to make current customers happy, COLLECT their reviews , and ASK  for the referral...PERIOD!!

The very first thing we would do after setting up our FREE business profile pages such as Facebook and Google would be to initiate a review collection program. We have heard multiple ways to implement and say "Be Careful"...sounds too easy probably is....

We have chatted with dozens of people claiming they generate superior reviews for a fee that will be perfect for whatever platform you need them for and no recourse.....HOW?? I claim B.S. and say Dont do it!!! But I WOULD SUGGEST that you look at a simple and brilliant tool I ran across about a month ago to SECURE CUSTOMER REVIEWS FAST. Take a look and see if this REVIEW CARD BUILDS REVIEWS for your platform. At least check it out...Best case scenario; its the best thing since sliced bread...worst case; you saw a cool idea. Let us know your results if you try it.


  Set Up my Facebook and Google Business Pages -- CHECK -- Make sure my review program is setup and successful -- CHECK -- Now,Start maximizing the footprint of my brand thru use of free and low-cost resources. As we discuss in the 7 hours of training; we suggest generating FREE listings on local and national directories and platforms with strong SEO and presence to reduce listing time and improve ranking for your business. We have solutions as follow:

Why would you care to join and post in our owned directories and  groups?? One very good reason....ok, maybe 2 reasons:

  FIRST -  FREE & LOW COST EXPOSURE - We own and partner with network resources all across the web and we periodically send qualified consumers with home and business maintenance interest to these groups and directories=exposure for your business for free or very low cost.

  SECOND -  We submit these directories to the major search and social utilities across the know sites like Google and Yahoo and Twitter and Meta,etc,etc. We do this to build organic listing and ranking for these pages and by being listed on them you can gain exposure from them by association...possible increasing your own listing and ranking opportunities

A/Facebook Group @ ServiceProLinks Global for FREE Global Product & Service Promotion

B/Search & Join to Post in Multiple US Regional Groups..FREE Trial Listing HERE

C/Low Cost US WEBDirectory Listing Option for Your Business @


  At this point; you should have Facebook Business Page, Google Business Profile Page, a Review & Referral Program, and a Directory Platform Listing & Linking Strategy -- All in place and functioning which means you have daily responsibilities in order to maintain and grow these resources that to this point have been free and low cost. Maximized use of potential of each is key as well as optimizing each to get premium engagement from each platform. BUT it also means that as you are doing your daily branding and marketing; you should always keep your eyes open for new,fresh,out of the box opportunities. We are listing multiple here outside the run of the mill paid ads on search or social platforms. There are a thousand people you can find in any group who will take your money to run ads or you can spend doing them yourself BUT we are talking about the big reach, new format type stuff you have not yet tried on a professional level. These pros are top in their fields:

A/ BreslinNET Media-Owned agency w/ 25+ years of knowledge and resources: Consulting, Content Management, Lead Generation, Facebook Business Management, Web Traffic Solutions...MORE

If you are needing a custom solution; feel free to reach out as we can accomodate most special needs across many scenarios. Obviously it would be great if you would Contact Us first to see if we have solutions for your needs

B/ All Things LEADS-Visitors Direct to Your Brand, Email Campaigns,Ringless Voicemail Ads, Text Marketing, Contextual PPC campaigns, Lead Data, Lead Customer Management Programs...MORE

General Banner 300x250

Sometimes the best option is not to wait for success with typical ad platforms that everyone is familiar with and truth be told--those ads just dont work for all businesses. There is a little bit of a science in the success and sometimes it makes sense to think outside the box. Text, Email,Voicemail are all unique means of reaching customers and these guys have been doing it for over 20 years.

C/ [[TEMP DISABLED]]Email/Solo Mail - Seeking a solid dedicated resource...if this is you; reach out

D/ Text & Email Generating Solutions-Create, Send & Manage Awesome Email, Text & Landing Page Content, AI Writing Generator/Landing Page Builder/Contact Form Generator...MORE

AWeber Free: Email marketing for free. No credit card required.

Take a look at this program to see if a FREE account might benefit you or at least give it a run..... the business version may be exactly what you need to manage all your written content marketing

E/ SEO on a Budget-but you wouldnt know it-Get Organic because you CAN afford it and your business depends on it!! Small businesses or digital agencies can benefit from this program.

If you are interested in a LITE version of SEO w/a twist; we have a programs that achieves 2 goals simultaneously....CONTACT US for more info

** Make sure you are logging the data for any of these systems you try with campaign and result info as you may want to try several before choosing any one single provider per category of marketing solution**

((((More Soon)))))

List Format of Resources

FREE/Low Cost Promotion Posting Groups

1/Facebook Group @ ServiceProLinks Global for FREE Global Product & Service Promotion

2/Search & Join to Post in Multiple US Regional Groups..FREE Trial List HERE

3/Low Cost Directory Listing Option for Your Business @

Traffic/Lead Resource Services

1/ BreslinNET Media-Owned agency w/ 25+ years of knowledge and resources -Consulting, Content Management, Lead Generation, Facebook Business Management, Web Traffic Solutions...MORE

2/All Things LEADS-Visitors Direct to Your Brand, Email Campaigns, Ringless Voicemail Ads, Text Marketing, Contextual PPC campaigns, Lead Data, Lead Customer Management Programs...MORE


3/ [[TEMP DISABLED]]Email/Solo Mail - Seeking a Resource

4/ Text & Email Generating Solutions-Create, Send & Manage Awesome Email, Text & Landing Page Content...MORE

AWeber Free: Email marketing for free. No credit card required.

5/ SEO on a Budget but you wouldnt know it-Get Organic because you CAN afford it and your business depends on it!!


1/ ReviewBuilder Card-Boost Your ONLINE Plaform Reviews for greater reach, visibility, and sales....5 STAR Reviews in 4 seconds One click away from 5 STARS!!!!

Like the Program??? Want to Make $$$ Get Started HERE